Custom Animation Packs
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Last updated
In case you want to use an animation pack that isn’t in the supported list, you can set one up as long as it is ready for root motion.
WARNING! This process is slow and painful. Takes between 5 to 10 hours.
Create a CharacterAnimations scriptable object by:
Right clicking within the project viewer > Create > GlassVaultStudio > iMove > CharacterAnimations Drag and drop all of your animations to the corresponding inputs within the CharacterAnimations scriptable object.
Create a TransitionSettings scriptable object by copying one from a settings folder within one of the integration folders. Or you can create one from scratch by:
Right clicking within the project viewer > Create > GlassVaultStudio > iMove > TransitionSettings Drag and drop the TransitionSettings to the corresponding input near the top of your CharacterAnimations scriptable object.
If you don’t have a character prefab set up yet, place the iMove Character Set Up component on your child character prefab. Fill out the following inputs:
Leave empty
Character Animations SO
Your CharacterAnimation SO
Player Sounds
Your player sound profile
If you are updating a pre-existing animator controller and the GVS_AnimatorController input is not empty, click the override existing animator controller. If you are creating a new animator controller, click the create new animator controller and iMove will automatically create an animator controller for you based on the provided animations and transition settings.